People, Planet & the Power of Money Project

Change Our Money – Change Our World

The People, Planet & the Power of Money Project is a public education initiative undertaken to give the basic facts on how our money is created and how it should be created. This is basic information that we all should have, but the vast majority of us lack. With this information we can tackle both the environmental and inequality crises that confront us today. Without this information we can expect our society to continue to stumble along, unable to find the money necessary for the known challenges of the day and unknown ones that are sure to confront us in the future.

I am upfront about my lack of academic standing in taking on the economics establishment. The book titles reflect the one economics course I did take, Econ 101. In this course the class was informed that only a handful of people in the entire country were capable of understanding how our money is created within the Federal Reserve System. The entire class was thus spared from studying that which we were told we not smart enough to understand—how our money is created. It was only decades later that I happened across the answer of how our money is created in my reading and research as an antiwar, social justice and environmental activist.

The People, Planet & the Power of Money Project books are not boring textbooks about economic theories and formulas, but rather the basic, necessary information we all need as citizens to determine what type of money system we should have and who should create this money—our government or private entities. The case for publicly created money is presented in language we can all understand. Well in excess of 500 academic, historical, government and journalism sources were used to compile the information. The Project’s most often used source is the Federal Reserve System itself. The bibliography contains numerous sources that are available online to all, in addition to some sources that are quite difficult to find.

The People, Planet & the Power of Money Project tells the story of money creation in three books:

Money Creation 101 - Available Now! - Click here to read Money Creation 101

History of Money 101 (to be released in Summer/Fall 2023)

Spaceship Earth 101 (to be released in Winter 2023-24)

Book One: Money Creation 101 directly answers the question of who creates our money. It also takes the economics profession to task for being unable or unwilling to tell us who creates our money and how they create it. We hear from a Federal Reserve economist, university professors and others who have difficulty answering the question of who creates our money. We also listen to the pleas of economics students beseeching their university programs to simply teach the truth about who creates our money so that they will be properly equipped to respond to the existential crises facing humanity that they will be asked to solve after they graduate. After reading Money Creation 101 you will be better informed on the question of who creates our money and how they create it than the two respected economists from top university programs, who were interviewed anonymously at their own request, for People, Planet & the Power of Money.

CLICK HERE to read Money Creation 101

Book Two: History of Money 101 takes us back to our civilization’s birthplace—the Fertile Crescent, then ancient Greece, Rome, the American colonies, the U.S. Revolution and the U.S. Civil War, examining examples of publicly created money that met the challenges of their time. A basic understanding of this history makes it much easier for us as citizens as we decide whether or not we want to keep our present system of bank-created debt-money or change to a more democratic system of publicly created money. This short book is chock-full of the type of monetary history that economics students across the globe are now begging their own university programs to include in their education.

Book Three: Spaceship Earth 101 owes its title to American economist Kenneth Boulding’s 1966 paper The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth. Dr. Boulding defined the American economy of the time as a cowboy economy, symbolic of the seemingly limitless American plains and associated with exploitative, reckless, violent and romanticized conduct. In sharp contrast, he coined the term Spaceship Earth, in which Earth was viewed as a closed single spaceship, devoid of unlimited resources that allows us to extract and pollute indiscriminately. Within the concept of Spaceship Earth, humanity must find its place in a cyclical ecological system that we now casually refer to as a sustainable lifestyle. The Spaceship Earth model looks at the Earth as a closed system powered by the sun, with finite resources. It expands the discussion to include the political and economic systems that the monetary system operates within, arguing that just as publicly created money rose to meet the challenges of the past, it can provide the necessary money to meet our environmental and social crises of today and tomorrow.